Join Our Classes
Connect with your inner wisdom and ignite your power

First Degree Reiki
Reignite your healing touch by learning the ancient art of Reiki. You already naturally do it every time you give a hug, place your hands over a child's cut, or massage a headache. Being attuned to Reiki enhances our touch and reconnects us physically, emotionally and spiritually. Increase your confidence and gain a better understanding of your ability to make a difference to your own well being and those you care about.
In the first Degree Reiki you will learn: The history, principles and benefits of Reiki, hand positions for a treatment, the Chakra system and personal benefits.
Be prepared to gain knowledge, have fun and enjoy this interactive workshop.
Workshop fee $150.00 includes manual, lunch
Next class: Sat February 1
from 9:30 - 4:30

Second Degree Reiki
Prerequisite - First Degree Reiki
Join us at the workshop to further enhance your energetic connection and ability to offer healing. The 2nd degree focuses on learning how to offer healing from a distance. You will learn how to combine Reiki energy with powerful symbols to create a deeper healing opportunity.
In this level you will learn: the benefits and various styles of distance healing, 3 empowering symbols and their uses, combining the symbols with a hands-on treatment, and your personal benefits.
Be prepared to gain knowledge and have fun while enjoying an interactive workshop.
Workshop fee $200.00 includes manual and lunch
Next class: Fri Nov 15
from 9:30 - 4:30

Reiki Master Certification
Prerequisite: Second Degree Reiki
The Reiki Master training is for those who are committed to their spiritual and personal growth. You will learn a more profound healing technique to offer others while gaining a deeper understanding of your role as an energetic being. Being attuned to Reiki Master increases your personal vibration, which adds to and affects the vibration of the planet!
In this level you will learn: The magic of a Reiki Master, 3 new empowering symbols, the significance of attunements, how to offer attunements to initiate others to all levels as well as a healing attunement.
This is an intense workshop completed over 2 days with a follow up 1/2 day class three weeks later.
Workshop fee $450.00 includes manual, certificate and two lunches
Next class: Please contact me for dates
from 9:30 - 3:30

Kids Reiki Workshop
Learning Reiki is a great way for your child to build their confidence and increase their self esteem. Children between the ages of 6 - 12 will have an exciting day enhancing their ability to follow their intuition, connect with energy, and learn how their touch can be healing for both themselves and others. They will learn about Reiki and energy through fun activities. Each child will be given a manual and is invited to bring a bag lunch for themselves.
Workshop fee $75.00 includes manual and certificate
Contact me for next class date
from 9:30 - 3:30

Creating Your Sacred Space Retreat Day
Creating Sacred Space will enhance the beauty and energy of your personal comfort area, and create a focused zone for your intuitive connection. This will be a day of personal introspection, learning about the 6 directions and your intimate connection to each. You will explore how to welcome in the powerful energy of each direction to fill your space with amazingness, while gaining a deeper connection and understanding of each. This will be an interactive personal retreat day where mediation, journaling and a fire ceremony will all be experienced. Be ready to walk in the forest and spend some time with YOU!.
Feel free to bring your drum or rattle if you have one. Otherwise I will have some here to share for the day.
Workshop fee $150.00 includes manual, journal, certificate and lunch
Next Class: Sat Feb 22nd
from 9:30 - 4:30

The Mystery & Magic of Your Akashic Records
Learning how to read your own Akashic Records can be a valuable tool for your personal growth journey. This is a skill that can be easily learned and will offer you great benefits. The more you practise, the deeper the information and wisdom you will receive. The Akashic Records are the energetic recording of your Soul's journey, including past life, present and future. Through your questions you can connect with everything about you, including who you have been and who you can become. Have you ever wondered why you continue to attract the same situations, partners, events into your life? Connect with your Akashic Records to gain a clearer understanding of your journey and options.
Workshop fee $150.00 includes manual,
certificate and lunch
Next class: Sat March 8th
from 9:30- 4:30

Akashic Record Consultant
You are already feeling the benefits of accessing your own Akashic Records, now it's time to go deeper! Are you ready to access the Akashics of others, so that you may share the wisdom of their Records with them? Assist others in resolving unhealthy patterns in their lives, offer them the information that could give them clarity and a deeper understanding. Accessing your own Records is a sacred process, to be invited into the sacred space of another's Akashic Records is extremely honouring.
All living things have an Akashic Record. We will explore this further by spending part of the day with horses to receive messages from them and sharing with their owners. Take part in facilitating healing, growth and transformation in others.
Workshop fee $250.00 includes manual, certificate and lunch
Next class Sat January 25
from 9:30 - 4:30

Online - Connecting With Your Wings
Can I really access the Akashic Records? This is often a question I hear from those who would love to explore their Records, but are unsure if they can really build this skill.
YES you can! Before you sign up for the "Accessing Your Akashic Records" workshop, take an hour and complete "Connecting With Your Wings". This is an online course that will help you to connect with your deeper knowing. Through questions, self reflection and a beautiful deep meditation, you will come to know that you CAN access your Akashic Records for amazing insights, directions and awareness. No more second guessing yourself. It's time to start this five step course, and go from Doubt to Trust.
Special Offer
to welcome in Spring
For May 2024 only this online course is Free
Workshop fee is $25.00
This online meditation experience can be completed on your own time, in approximately one hour.

How will it benefit me to take these workshops?
Suzanne shares some of her thoughts on further developing your gifts through her workshops.